
Well I understand 007 has a very short life expectancy.

The new James Bond has not even had his first martini yet, and he's already got another job. The producers behind Casino Royale, this fall has returned to action for agent 007,said Thursday new star Daniel Craig will reprise the role in a second Bond flick due out May 2nd, 2008,the 22nd film in the action franchise. Craig was chosen last year to replace Pierce Brosnan as Bond.The British super spy who likes his martini/ "shaken, not stirred". The 38-year-old star will make his Bond debut in Casino Royale due out in November.

life expectancy:the length of time that someone is likely to live 寿命
martini :a strong alcoholic drink made with gin and vermouth 马提尼酒
reprise:to perform a part or the whole of a work again 重新演绎
debut:the first time the performer or sports player appears in public 初次登台演出
