音乐咖啡厅:Nick Lachey - On Your Own(在线收听

90年代後期,Nick Lachey以身为98 Degrees成员的身份在男孩团风潮中嚐到走红流行乐坛的滋味,2002年,Nick与流行女歌手Jessica Simpson步上红地毯的另一端,展开下一阶段的人生,2003年,这对银色佳偶以新婚生活的实境秀节目「Newlyweds : Nick & Jessica」掀起电视圈的明星实境秀狂潮,2006年,Nick Lachey结束了他与Jessica的婚姻生活,紧接着,他以第2张大碟《What‘s Left Of Me》的优异表现证明他是一个具有单打独斗实力的艺人,同时也是一个才华洋溢的创作型歌手。


Song:I Can't Hate You Anymore
Artist:Nick Lachey

You live with a halo round

your head,
This time you're leaving.
This place where the walls are painted red,
Freedom is what you need.
But if the world should ever fall apart around you,
And if you're lost and barely breathing,
I will find you,
And carry you back home.
I won't forsake the only love I ever known,
When you're out there on your own.
Dark clouds they surround you in the sky,
Rain falls when you're sleeping.
When you're past the point of no return.
I will take away the hurt.
And if the world should ever fall apart around you,
And if you're lost and barely breathing,
I will find you,
And carry you back home.
I won't forsake the only love I ever known,
When you're out there.....
And I will wait,
However long it takes,
Til you realize what you have been searching for,
Was right here all along.
When you lost the only light you had to guide you,
And you're cold and barely breathing,
I will find you.
And carry you back home,
I won't forsake the only love I ever known,
When you're out there on your own.
And if the world should ever fall apart around you,
And if you're lost and barely breathing,
I will find you,
And carry you back home.
I won't forsake the only love I ever known,
When you're out there on your own.
