
On the shore of Lake Michigan, in the town of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, they've got one of the largest historical markers you'll ever see----28 square feet of homage (whoop) - to the ice cream sundae.

This is the home of the Sundae. Greg Buckley is the town manager and he says it was a guy named Ed Burners who came up with the idea. "The rest is ice cream history" (hmmm). Well not quite, to make a short story long, there is a whole another version, set in a whole another town: Ithaca, New York.

Oh, I firmly believe Ithaca is the home of sundae now. This is Bruce Stoff. (for 100 percent, yeah) He is with the Ithaca Visitor's Bureau.

And what was the name of the shop?

It was Platt & Colt's Pharmacy. This is where it was.

They even have a marker, just like Two Rivers. Not just like.

That's it?

It's not about the size in your sign. It's about, it's about the truth behind the sign. Their feud began earlier this summer when Bruce started promoting Ithaca as the sundae's true birthplace.

Two Rivers then issued a proclamation, demanding mostly tongue-in-cheek, that Ithaca cease and desist with this claim since Two Rivers was the true birthplace. No, it isn't. Yes, it is. Ithaca responded with an ad in the Two Rivers' newspaper, basically, saying "oh, yeah? prove it." Two Rivers said you prove it. And Ithaca said OK. You're an idiot.

Bruce went back through old Ithaca journal newspapers. (Now, we are getting close.) And in a paper dated April 5th, 1892, he found a tiny ad: ("There it is.") Cherry Sunday, A New 10-Cent Ice Cream Specialty Served Only At Platt & Colt's. Well, this is why I, I still firmly believe that the Sundae was made in Ithaca. So do you concede it that they are the winners? No, we would concede that they are the birthplace... advertising for the Ice Cream Sundae.

Grey says Ed Burners invented the Sundae ten years before that ad, which is why his town isn't giving up without a fight---song. "Others try to claim the Sundae started in their town." Needless to say the war continues to escalate and although there may never be a true victor at least in this war, both sides get the spoils. Ah, we shout out to the whole world, Ed was first. (Ed was first, Ed was first …)

Ithaca has yet to counter with an embarrassing fight song of its own, but I'm sure they're working on it.

sundae:ice cream served with a sweet sauce, and nuts, fruit, and syrup 圣代冰激凌
feud:an angry disagreement between two people or groups that continues for a long time 不和,长期斗争
tongue-in-cheek:intended to be humorous and not meant seriously 不当真的,半开玩笑的
desist:formal to stop doing something 终止
