音乐咖啡厅:Damien Rice - Coconut Skins(在线收听

Damien Rice 来自爱尔兰,出生于七十年代早期,绘画与写歌是他青年时期的兴趣,也因此让他有了组团的念头,在"O"的专辑内页有些插画便是 Damien Rice 自己的作品。在 1997 年他组了一个名为 Juniper 的团,前后发行了三张 EP,"The World Is Dead" 和 "Weathermen" 这两首单曲也成为电台热门歌曲,但因为合约问题无法录制完整的专辑,于是在 99 年 Damien Rice 离开乐团前往 Tuscany,并从此在欧洲流浪了一年,之后又回到了都柏林,想办法筹钱录了一张 Demo,寄给了制作人兼电影配乐家的 David Arnold。

Song:Coconut Skins
Artist:Damien Rice

you can hold her hand
and show her how you cry
explain to her your weakness so she understands
and then roll over and die
or you can brave decisions
before you crumble up inside
spend your time asking everyone else's permission
then run away and hide
you can sit on chimneys
put some fire up your ass
no need to know what you're doing or waiting for
but if anyone should ask..
tell them i've been lickin' coconut skins
and we've been hanging out
tell them god just dropped by to forgive our sins
and relieve us our doubt
you can hold her eggs
but your basket has a hole
you can like between her legs and go looking for..
tell her you're searchin' for her soul
or you can wait for ages
watch your compost turn to coal
but time is contagious
everybody's getting old
so you can sit on chimneys
put some fire up your ass
no need to know what you're doing or looking for
but if anyone should ask..
tell them i've been cookin' coconut skins
and we've been hanging out
tell them god just dropped by to forgive our sins
and relieve us our doubt
