
  Unit 11 making a phone call
  Hello, can I speak to John?
  Wrong number.
  Hold on please.
  Sorry, he's out.
  Where can I find a pay phone?
  Hello, can I speak to John?
  Sorry, wrong number.
  Oh, I'm sorry.
  Hello ,is John there?
  Hold on, please.
  Hello . Who's calling?
  John,this is Mary.When did you get back?
  I came back yesterday.
  Hello John,can I speak to Tom?
  Sorry, he's out.
  Never mind .I'll call him later.
  Excuse me,where can I find a pay phone?
  Over there.
  Thank you.
  Hello,may I speak to John?
  Hi,John, this is Mary.Do you know Tom's phone number?
  Yes .It's 26931888.
  Thank you.
  You're welcome.
  Unit 12 money exchange
  How much would you like to exchange?
  Fill in the form ,please.
  How would you like your money?
  Here you are.
  Check it,please.
  Hello, I'd like to change some money in the RMB,please.
  Sure. Cash or traveler's checks?
  Traveler's checks.
  How much would you like to exchange?
  500 dollars.
  Fill in the form,please.
  All right.
  How would you like your money,in twenties,fifties or hundreds?
  In fifties,please.
  Here you are.Check it,please.
  Unit 13 shopping
  I'd like to buy a shirt.
  What size ,please?
  Try this on.
  It fits me well.
  Anything else?
  Good afternoon,may I help you?
  I'd like to buy a shirt.
  They're on the 3rd floor.
  Thank you.
  I'd like to buy a shirt.
  What size ,please?
  Try this on.
  Thank you.It fits me well.I'll take it.
  Anything else?
  It's 200 yuan in total.Cash or credit?
  Unit 14 at a restaurant
  It's time for lunch.
  May I take your order?
  How would you like your steak?
  The check,please.
  For here or to go?
  It's time for lunch.Let's go to a restaurant.
  Yes, I feel a little hungry now.
  I'm not very hungry.I had morning tea.
  Oh,What did you have?
  I had some dim sum.
  Welcome to our restaurant,may I take your order?
  Just a minute,please.I'd like to have a steak.
  How would you like your steak?
  Well done.
  What would you like to have,Miss?
  I'll have the same.
  Is that all?
  The theck ,please.
  It's 98 yuan.Out of 100.Here is your change.
  Welcome to our restaurant,may I help you?
  Yes, I'd like a chicken burger and a cola.
  For here or to go?
  To go.
  Unit 15 in a hotel
  Where would you like to stay?
  Do you have reservations?
  Sign here,please.
  Single or double?
  How do you spell your name,please?
  Where would you like to stay?
  I'd made a reservation at the Shangri-Li Hotel.
  Good evening ,do you have reservations?
  What's your name,please?
  John Lee.
  That was for a single room for three nights,Mr Lee?
  That's right.
  Sign here,please.
  Here is your key.
  Thank you.
  Good evening,do you have reservations?
  Single or double?
  How do you spell your name,please?
  John Lee.j-o-h-n-l-e-e.
  How long will you stay?
  Three nights.
