高一上听力unit 01添加文本(在线收听

  ---Hi, Peter!
  ---Hi, Jim!
  ---Peter, I'm not happy about this. this is a third time you are late for football practise. you have to do something about this.
  ---Er. I'm sorry Jim. What's the big deal. so I'm a few minutes late.What difference does it make?
  ---What difference does it make? We have to wait for you. Look, everybody is here and ready to play. We don't like waiting for you.Please try to be on time in the future!
  ---OK. I will try.
  ---Hi! Ann.Have you seen my calculator?
  ---Hi! Marry. OWh, I forgot to tell you. I needed a calculator yesterday and I borrowed yours. I hope you don't mind.
  ---What? You borrowed my calculator without asking ? How could you do that ? You always do this---borrowing things from me without asking. And then you don't returm it in time either.
  ---I'm sorry I don't know you are so upset about it.
  ---Hi, John.
  ---Hi, Edom. How is it going ?
  ---Pretty good. Look, I have something I need to tell you.
  ---OK, What's up?
  ---Well you know I borrowed your CD player yesterday.
  ---Well, I think it is broken.
  ---what? Broken? What happened?
  ---I didn't do anything. I was just listening to some music when suddenly it stopped. I can't make it play again.
  ---Hmm, That's strange. I have never had any problems with it before. Are you sure you didn't do anything to it?
  ---Yeah, I just listened to it. But don't worry .I'll ask my uncle to fix it when he comes back
