

  accounting:会计 cost成本 profit利润 allocation 配置 average平均 Assumption假设 barrier 壁垒 capital :资本 capital stock :资本存量capital output ratio资本产出比率 capitalism资本主义 supply供给 demand需求 commodity 商品 common property 公用财产compensation principles :补偿原则 competition :竞争 competitive market :竞争性市场 complement goods :互补品 consistence :一致性constraints :约束 consumer equilibrium :消费者均衡 corporation :公司 cost minimization :成本极小化 demand schedule :需求表diminishing marginal utility :边际效用递减 direct approach :直接法 durable goods :耐用品distribution :分配 economic rent :经济租金 economy of scale :规模经济 exclusion :排斥性、排他性 hypothesis :假说 indirect approach :间接法inferior goods :劣品 investment :投资 long run :长期 luxury :奢侈品 revolution :革命 Natural resources :自然资源 non-rivalry :非对抗性ordinary goods :一般品 partial equilibrium :局部均衡 discrimination :歧视 price seeker :价格搜求者 principal—agent issues :委托--代理问题proportional demand curve :成比例的需求曲线 pure exchange :纯交换 rationality :理性 regulation :调节,调控 returns to scale :规模报酬law of scarcity :稀缺法则 short—run :短期 revealed preference :显示性偏好 solution :解 strategy :策略 total expenditure :总支出 ransitivity :传递性variables :变量Welfare criterion :福利subsidy :津贴substitutes :替代品stability :稳定性relative price 相对价格Insurance 保险Contract合约Verbal agreement口头协议 Repay 偿还 interest 利息 Merchant 商人 Cautious 谨慎的 Paramount 极为重要的 Manufacture 制造 Label 标签Inform告知 Cost成本 Profit利润 loss损失 Net净的 gross粗略的 Supplyand demand供求 Supply chain供应链 Fluctuation 浮动 boom 繁荣 bust破产Recession 衰退Depression 萧条Marketing strategies市场营销策略Survey 调查Surplus 剩余Shipment 运输Distribution 分布Retail 零售Whole sale 批发Franchise特许经营Budget预算mortgage抵押patent :专利division of labor :劳动分工dynamic analysis :动态分析dynamic models :动态模型direct taxes :直接税depreciation :折旧consumer optimization :消费者优化consumer preference :消费者偏好consumer surplus :消费者剩余consumer theory :消费者理论consumption :消费consumer :消费者consumer behavior :消费者行为monopolistic competition :垄断竞争monopolistic exploitation :垄断剥削constant cost industry :成本不变产业下面在以TPO6 第一篇讲座为例,来看这些托福听力词汇的熟悉对于托福听力的帮助。
  ProfessorNow when I mention the terms “boom and bust”, what is that going to mind?
  StudentThe dotcom crash of the ‘90s.
  ProfessorOk. The boom in the late 1990s when all those new Internet companiessprung up and then sold for huge amounts of money.Then the bust around2000…2001 when many of those same Internet companies went out ofbusiness.Of course, booms aren’t always followed by busts. We’ve certainly seen timeswhen local economies expanded rapidly for a while and then went back to anormal pace of growth. But, there’s a type of rapid expansion, what might becalled the hysterical or irrational boom that pretty much always leads to a bust.See, people often create and intensify a boom when they get carried away bysome new industry that seems like it will make them lots of money fast. If you think that by the 90s, people would have learned from the past. If they did,well, look at tulips.
  在讲座的开头部分,教师举例讲解了经济发展周期的一普遍现象-繁荣与萧条,语速较快,难度等级高。学生一开始就直接懵了,因为教授的讲座内容一开始就说了这节课的主题:“ Now when I mention the terms “boom and bust”,”而学生不知道boom和bust是什么意思。无形中注意力就会集中于在脑海里搜索什么事boom and bust。