
   托福听力题型有哪几类。考生备考听力的时候,要很清楚的知道自己怎么复习,听力有很多题型,这也是大家必须要知道的内容,那么 托福听力题型有哪几类,今天咱们就一起来看一下相关内容。

  1. 主旨题(1) 提问方式a) What problem does the man have?
  b) What are the speakers mainly discussing?
  c) What is the main topic of the lecture?
  d) What is the lecture mainly about?
  e) What aspect of X does the professor mainly discuss?
  f) Why does the student visit the professor?
  g) Why does the student visit the registrar’s office?
  h) Why did the professor ask to see the student?
  i) Why does the professor explain X?
  (2) 笔记技巧无笔记,通过整体感知提炼主旨,相信第一印象(3) 答题原则a) 注意干扰选项特征:不精确、不相关、太宽泛、太具体b) 注意对话中的一致性问题,区分内容与目的c) 注意对话双方目的不同2. 细节题(1) 提问方式a) According to the professor, what is one way that X can affect Y?
  b) According to the professor, what is the main problem with the X theory?
  c) What is X?
  d) What resulted from the invention of X?
  (2) 笔记技巧a) 六大要点:程序procedures、定义definitions、举例examples、原因和影响causes and effects(罗列不需记)、问题和回答questions and answers、赞成和反对pros and consb) 多次出现的词要记c) 注意否定词(3) 答题原则a) 注意干扰选项特征:相似表达但不完全一致、相同词汇但表达意思不同、与原文相矛盾、原文未提及b) 无法确定的则选择与主题最符合的选项3. 重听题(1) 提问方式a) What does the professor imply when he says this?
  b) What is the purpose of the woman’s response?
  c) What can be inferred from the professor’s response to the student?
  d) Why does the student say this?
  e) What can be inferred about the student when she says this?
  f) What does the woman mean when she says this?
  (2) 笔记技巧重听时无需做笔记(3) 答题原则a) 重听开始前先迅速扫读选项,并作出预测b) 第二遍最关键c) 理解说话人的真实意图而不仅仅只是字面意思(4) 习语俗语a) Tell me about it! 那还用说!(表示强烈赞同)b) You name it! 不再讨论其他的了That sort of thing, you see?
  To name just a few.
  The list goes on.
  c) Put it together 表示总结All in allIn a nutshelld) I don’t know about that. 表示委婉拒绝e) I think you get the picture. 你懂的。
  f) Get ahead of 到…之前g) Off the top of my head 想到什么就说什么4. 表格题(1) 提问方式a) 排序b) 判断正误c) 平行/分类(2) 笔记技巧a) 注意标记事物发展顺序,特别是有first、besides、finally等连接词的部分b) 注意记录否定词d) 注意平行结构要使用双栏式记录方式e) 注意分类结构要留足空处进行记录(3) 答题原则a) 未记下的信息可根据常识进行判断,但尽量以笔记为准b) 选项数量分配基本一致5. 推断题(1) 提问方式a) What can be inferred about the student?
  b) What is the professor’s attitude toward X?
  c) What is the professor’s opinion of X?
  d) What does the professor imply about X?
  e) What will the student probably do next?
  f) What can be inferred about X?
  (2) 笔记技巧a) 注意标记句子的内涵和说话人语气,多为v. adj. adv.
  b) 六大要点:与细节题相同(3) 答题原则a) 注意说话人的语气(热情、怀疑、沮丧、惊讶),有助于判断说话人的态度b) 正确答案往往使用原文未提及的词汇c) 注意讲座中教授所做的比较、所举的例子d) 注意各细节信息间的关联e) 注意不要推断过度f) 注意整体把握文章结构顺序,一般有时间顺序、由易到难的顺序等