英文影视原声歌曲:《生活大爆炸》The Big Bang Theory主题曲(在线收听

Leonard(Johnny Galecki 饰)和Sheldon(Jim Parsons 饰)是一对合起来智商超过360的疯狂科学家宅男。他们的科学家朋友还有风流的Wolowitz(Simon Helberg 饰)和从来不和女人说话的印度人。
最近,科学家宅男的对门搬来一个美女剧作家兼餐厅招待,Penny(Kaley Cuoco 饰)。宅男开始蠢蠢欲动了,于是诸多啼笑皆非的故事在几个朋友间“爆炸”开来。

Artist:Barenaked Ladies

Title:The Big Bang Theory


Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,

whole:整个的,全部 universe:宇宙 dense:密集的,浓厚的 state:情形
Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...
nearly:几乎,差不多 billion:十亿 expansion:扩大,膨胀
The Earth began to cool,
The autotrophs began to drool,
autotrophs:自养生物 drool:流口水
Neanderthals developed tools,
Neanderthal:穴居人的,尼安德特人 develop:发展,开发 tool:工具
We built a wall (we built the pyramids),
Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,
math:数学 science:科学 history:历史 unravel:阐明,解释,解开 mystery:神秘,神秘的事物
That all started with the big bang!
Big Bang:宇宙大爆炸
"Since the dawn of man" is really not that long,
since:自从 the dawn of:初始
As every galaxy was formed in less time than
galaxy:银河,星系 form.形成,组成
It takes to sing this song.
A fraction of a second and the elements were made.
fraction:分数,小部分 second:秒 element:成分,要素,元素
The bipeds stood up straight,
biped:两足动物 stand up straight:站直
The dinosaurs all met their fate,
dinosaur:恐龙 fate:命运
They tried to leap but they were late
And they all died (they froze their asses off)
freeze:冻结,僵硬 ass:屁股
The oceans and pangea
ocean:海洋 pangea: [地质]泛古陆
See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya
wanna: (=want to)
Set in motion by the same big bang!
set in motion:发动,使移动
It all started with the Big Bang!
It's expanding ever outward but one day
expand:使...膨胀,扩张 outward:向外的,表面的
It will cause the stars to go the other way,
Collapsing ever inward, we won't be here, it won't be hurt
collapse:崩溃,倒塌 inward:向内的
Our best and brightest figure that it'll make an even bigger bang!
bright:明亮的 figure:图形,形状
Australopithecus would really have been sick of us
Australopithecus:南方古猿 sick of:厌烦,厌倦
Debating out while here they're catching deer
debate:辩论,讨论 deer:鹿
(We're catching viruses)
Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy
religion:宗教 astronomy:天文学 Encarta:百科全书 Deuteronomy:申命记
It all started with the big bang!
Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology
mythology:神话,神话学 Einstein:爱因斯坦[物理学家] astrology:占星术,占星学
It all started with the big bang!
It all started with the big band!
