英文歌曲:深情相诉-格莱美大奖“The Day I Fall In Love”我坠入爱河的那一天(在线收听

The Day I Fall In Love”我坠入爱河的那一天

Just an ordinary day 只是平凡的一天
Started out the same old way 只是不变的开端
Then I look into your eyes and knew 但当我注视你的双眼却已了然

Today would be a first for me 今天将成为我前所未有的起点
The day I fall in love 就是我坠入爱河的那一天
On the day I fall in love 当我坠入爱河的那一天
Sky will be a perfect blue 天空将呈现完美的碧蓝
And I'll hear my heart forever more 我会听到自己的心跳到永远
To someone who is just like you 只因生命中有了你出现
The day I fall in love 我坠入爱河的那一天
People all say love is wonderful 人们都说真爱是如此美妙甘甜
That the bells will ring 钟声响彻云间
The birds will sing 鸟儿把歌声献
The sky will open 天空广阔无边
I wonder where's that great big symphony 我想知道那首伟大的交响乐来自何方
Roll over Beethoven 一起来,贝多芬
Won't you play with me 难道你不想和我一起演奏弹唱
And I'll never promise to be true to anyone 我不会再向他人将真心开放
Unless it's you 除非那便是你
Unless it's you 除非那便是你

The day I fall in love 我坠入爱河的那一天
People all say love is wonderful 人们都说真爱是如此美妙甘甜
That the bells will ring 钟声响彻云间
The birds will sing 鸟儿把歌声献
The sky will open 天空广阔无边

I wonder where's that great big symphony 我想知道那首伟大的交响乐来自何方

Roll over Beethoven 一起来,贝多芬

Come on play with me 难道你不想和我一起演奏弹唱

Just an ordinary day 只是平凡的一天
Started out the same old way 只是不变的开端
Then I look into your eyes and knew 但当我注视你的双眼却已了然
Today will be a first for me 今天将成为我前所未有的起点
The day I fall in love 就是我坠入爱河的那一天
I know you'll be there 我知道你将在那里出现

Ooh....I know... 我知道
The day I fall in love 就是我坠入爱河的那一天
