英文影视原声歌曲:《绯闻女孩》第二季结局片尾Season of Love(在线收听

这是属于年轻人的聚会,这是属于爱情盛放的季节。不管下一季又会有怎样的缠绵纠结曲折离奇,至少这一刻,你我都走到这里,共享这一刻爱情的甜蜜。喧扰的美剧结束周,有人死去有人疯癫,向来闹腾的《绯闻女孩》却带来最温馨甜蜜的一刻。这首Season of Love真是最符合剧情的完美收尾。

Season of Love
by Shiny Toy Guns

Love... feel love!

Every question
Every answer too
Ever constant
Ever changing you
It's all memory in the sun
Or it's all in the darkness

Maybe it's all around to see
If we try
And maybe it's been inside of me
All this time

Love love love
Love love love!
Love love love!

Love love love
Love love love!
Love love love!

Crazy with it
Crazier without
Never certain
Never full of doubt
Now you feel it
Now you don't
Do you know what you're feeling

Where did it come from and where
Does it go
If it were right in front of me
Would i know

Love love love
Love love love!
Love love love!

Love love love
Love love love!
Love love love!
