英文影视原声:《哈维最后的机会》片尾曲Where Do We Go(在线收听

《哈维最后的机会》是达斯汀·霍夫曼和艾玛·汤普森两位老戏骨温馨演绎的爱情片,聚焦中老年人的孤寂生活,整部影片有一种不温不火的平静,但也不乏让你有点小感动的结点。而片尾曲Where Do We Go却一股清新的气息。确实,爱来得再晚,也是青春的。

Where Do We Go
by Sandrine

Where do we go from here?
Where can we hide?
Cuz I made a U-turn
I'm still alive..
Where do we go from here?
Where did they put the signs?
Cuz I need an exit
After this life.
Where is this better place?
And where are these better times?
Cuz we've both been looking
But we can't find.
Look how much fun we had
And now it's all turnin' bad
I've got my foot down, it's too slow
You should know.
What are we gonna say?
Cuz I'm feelin' sorry that I came
Now I'm pullin' over
It all looks the same.
Look how much fun we had
And now it's all turnin' bad
I've got my foot down, it's too slow.
Oohooh oohoohoohooh yeahyeah yeahyeah
Can you hear me callin' out?
Look how much fun we had
And now it's all turnin' bad
I've got my foot down, it's too slow
Look how much fun we had
And now it's all turnin' bad
I've got my foot down, it's too slow
Look how much fun we had
And now it's all turnin' bad
I've got my foot down, it's too slow
You should know...
