
由英国导演丹尼·鲍尔执导的《贫民富翁》/《贫民窟的百万富翁》(Slumdog Millionaire)一举囊括第66届美国金球奖“最佳剧情类影片”、“最佳导演”、“最佳编剧”以及“最佳电影配乐”四项大奖。

AR Rahman Feat. Suzanne-Dreams on Fire

You Are My Waking Dream
You're All Thats Real To Me
You Are The Magic In The World I See

You Are In The Prayer I Saying
You Are In My Two My Names

You Are The Faith Thaat Make Me Belive
Dreams On Fire
Higher & Higher

Pasion Burning
Ride On The Path
Once For Forever Yours
In Me
All Your Heart
Dreams On Fire
Higher & Higher

You Are My Ocean Rage
You Are My Thought Each Day
You Are The Laughter From Childhood Games
You Are Things Further Down
You Are Where I Belong

You Are Make Me Feel In Every Songs

Dreams On Fire
Higher & Higher
Pasion Burning
Ride On The Path
Once For Forever Yours
In Me
All Your Heart
Dreams On Fire
Higher & Higher
