CNN Marketplace 2006-03-12(在线收听

If you drive a General Motors' pick-up truck, it could be one of 900,000 that are being recalled says GM's spokesman Alan Adler.

For a condition in which the tailgate cables can corrode and fracture. These cables are the ones that hold your tailgate in the horizontal position.

According to GM, there have been 84 injuries mainly scrapes and bumps due to the tailgate problem.

Job growth in the US was steady last month which, says Commerce Bank chief economist Joel Naroff, means the labor market is in excellent shape.

“We are creating an awful lot of jobs and in addition to that wages are rising solidly. So if you are a member of the work force right now, er openings are getting more plentiful and wages are rising and it is very good news.

Employers created 243,000 new jobs in February with average hourly pay posting its largest increase in four and a half years. is reportedly working on a deal to enter the movie downloading business. The company reportedly talking to Paramount Universal Studios and Warner Brothers which like CNN is a unit of Time Warner. The deal would let customers go to, download movies and TV shows for an unspecified fee and then either watch them on their computers or, and here is the key: burn them and keep them on a DVD. CNN's Carrie Lee

One sweet deal! The European Union and the US have signed a wine deal which allows American wine makers to export wines made using practices like wood chip aging that many European vintners shun.

So how do you plan on spending your tax refund. According to CNN's Bill.K if you answer you are going to save it, you are not the only one. More than 80 per cent of tax payers say they are expecting some money back from the government this year. The latest Principal Financial Well-Being Index suggests more people will invest rather than spend it. Only 7 per cent say they plan on buying something big. More than 4 in 10 say they will pay off some debt. 38 per cent say they will invest, up from 31 per cent in 2003. Bill CNN.
With CNN Radio Marketplace. I am Michelle Wright

tailgate cables:used to support the tailgate in the full open (horizontal) position.
Tax Refund:Recoveries 返税,所得税的退款
The Principal Financial Well-Being Index:is a quarterly study to identify trends in consumer financial well-being, retirement planning, employee benefits, and workplace trends.
wood chip aging:木屑催熟技术(techniques like adding oak wood chips to barrels to hasten a wine's ageing)
