CNN Marketplace 2006-04-29(在线收听

Michelle Wright: Gas prices continue their climb, but founder Jason Toews says avoiding those races to stop lights will help save some gas.

Jason Toews : Engines burn a lot more fuel when you accelerate hard. Of course if you're speeding up to a traffic light, and you stop, well you're burning gas on the way to the traffic light. So of course don't accelerate and brake hard.

Michelle Wright: Toews also says properly inflated tires can make a major difference when it comes to gas mileage.


Michelle Wright: President Bush is opposing a windfall profits tax on the big oil companies, saying those companies should re-invest their earnings.

George Bush: The temptation in Washington is to, is to tax everything. And then for, and this, and they spend the money, they being the people in Washington. The answer is, is for there to be strong reinvestment to make this country more secure.

Michelle Wright: Speaking of earnings, Chevron's first quarter earnings made a good showing.

Jane King: Chevron rode a 32% jump in sales to a better than expected quarterly profit of four billion dollars for the first quarter, the company benefited from higher crude oil prices and it's buyout of Unocal last summer.

Michelle Wright: CNN's Jane King.


Michelle Wright: While we are on the subject to first quarter earnings it appears that the economy grew at a quite a robust rate for the first few months of this year with consumers leading the way.

Joel Naroff: Consumers spend like crazy. They had slowed down a little bit at the end of last year, but it looks like in spite of everything that was going on, they're continuing to spend money like crazy.

Michelle Wright: Commerce Bank chief economist Joel Naroff.


Michelle Wright: A group of workers in the country illegally are now suing a New York state village, reports CNN's Gary Baumgarten.

Gary Baumgarten: The 6 immigrant day laborers, they're not named because they're in the country illegally, are suing a Westchester county village in federal court. They claimed the police harassed them to stop them from gathering in public places to seek work. The Mamaroneck village mayor counters it there were fights, drug use and women were harassed. As, as many as 200 workers a day, gathered in a now closed parking lot looking for work. Gary Baumgarten, CNN, New York.

Michelle Wright: With CNN Radio Marketplace, I'm Michelle Wright.
