CNN Marketplace 2006-05-14(在线收听

Michelle Wright: US trade deficit declined unexpectedly for the second consecutive time in March, which according to PNC Financial Services Group chief economist Stuart Huffman, is due in part to a lot of nations doing well and purchasing stuff made in the USA.

Stuart Hoffman: Canada is doing very well. In fact, they have a budget surplus; they’ve been able to cut taxes. It’s a stronger economy. Asia, all parts of Asia, doing very well, em, so our exports to those countries are doing well. Even Western Europe has begun to improve.

Michelle Wright: The Commerce Department says the gap narrowed to 62 billion dollars in March.

Paris Hilton: That’s hot.

Michelle Wright: Paris Hilton caused a stir at this year's Video Game Expo while unveiling her new game which she forgot the name of. Paris Hilton's Jewel Jam, which she mistakenly called Diamond Quest will be available this summer for download to your cell phone.


Michelle Wright: A Massachusetts oil company is looking to help consumers deal with the high gas prices with two options as a gas cap, says Cameron-Hanover President Peter Beutel.

Peter Beutel: A fixed price, which is absolute, that's the price they'll pay even if prices drop and a capped price which would be higher than the existing price will say you'll never pay more than this price for the term of the contract. But if prices drop you may actually pay less than that. It's the win-win situation that it is just so exciting about this deal.

Michelle Wright: Gulf Oil officials say these offers are designed to create brand loyalty.


Michelle Wright: The H1 is out. GM is ending production of the hulking, gas-guzzling mammoth Hummer H1, saying the last one will likely roll off the line next month.


Michelle Wright: And the first quarter wasn't so friendly for Delta Airlines.

Shelby Lin: Delta Airlines has posted a net loss of just over 2 billion dollars for the first quarter, that compares with just over a billion dollars in net losses during the first quarter last year. The Atlanta-based Airline has been operating under bankruptcy protection since last fall. Analysts say Delta needs to raise its revenue and make bigger cuts in costs. Company officials say they need about 3 billion dollars in revenue increases and cost savings to survive. Shelby Lin, CNN.

Michelle Wright: With CNN Radio in the marketplace. I'm Michelle Wright.


PNC:Pittsburgh National Corporation
The Commerce Department:美国商务部
out:落伍 (反义词 in:时尚)
gas-guzzling: adj. (车辆)耗油量大的
mammoth: adj. of very great size 庞然大物似的
roll off the line:下线,停产
