

Dogs Rescued From S. Korean Meat Farm Find US Homes 不再是盘中餐:韩国小狗移民美国 


Twenty-three dogs from a South Korea dog meat farm have arrived in shelters in the northern Virginia city of Alexandria, and are waiting to be adopted by their new owners.

亚历山大市— 这23只小狗原来被圈养在韩国首尔地区的一个农场,是肉用犬,等到他们七、八个月大的时候就要成为当地人筷下的美餐。

The dogs, many only months old, were born at a canine meat farm on the outskirts of Seoul. Normally they are raised until they are seven or eight months old before being handed over to become a local delicacy.

According to South Korean media reports, the country consumes 120,000- 200,000 dogs every year. But the owner of one farm decided he wanted out of the industry, providing an opening for his dogs to be saved as pets. 


Kelly O’Meara, director of the animal rights group Humane Society International, said the lucky dogs escaped their fate because of the organization’s communication and negotiation with the farmer.

著名动物保护组织国际人道协会(Humane Society International)伴侣动物部主任凯利.欧梅拉说,经过沟通与协调,这23只幸运的小狗逃脱了被宰杀的命运。

“So in Korea, we have had the opportunity to meet with several farmers, and we learned that this particular one was looking to close his stores," she said. "And the actual farmer said he likes dogs, and he’s happy to work with us to find a better place, a better home for these dogs."


These dogs were put on planes earlier this month bound for Alexandria, where the local Animal Welfare League greeted them with veterinarian examinations, haircuts and baths.

这23只小狗在1月5日和6日乘坐飞机抵达华盛顿近郊的亚历山大动物福利联盟(Animal Welfare League of Alexandria),他们接受了兽医的健康检验,工作人员还给它们剪发及洗澡。

The Fairfax County Animal Shelter took three of the dogs: Snowball, Zinah and Rhonda. Tawny Hammond, the shelter's executive director, said the new arrivals help on many levels.

费尔法克斯郡动物收容所(Fairfax County Animal Shelter)领到了他们的三只狗。雪球(Snowball)、 兹纳(Zinah)和兰达(Rhonda) 。唐尼是费尔法克斯郡动物收容所的负责人。

“We are really excited to be part of this, because it sheds light on the important work that Humane Society International is doing around the world, but also sheds light on what we are doing regionally on a regular basis," she said.

她说: “我们真的很高兴能参与其中,因为这不仅仅显示了国际人道协会在全球拯救动物的努力,这也显示了我们地区每天都在尽力做的工作。”

The Humane Society International gave the dog farmer $2,500 to help him close his dog farm. The farmer has already converted his land to growing blueberries.


“We heard that there’s been a positive response to the particular farmer we are working with, and he’s been receiving local media praise for working with us and for releasing the dogs to us to give them a better life in the U.S.," said O'Meara.


Humane Society International is working hard to lessen the Asian dog meat trade and hopes to collaborate with more dog farmers in helping them leave this industry.

