美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-11-22(在线收听

 1. Israel plans to demolish the homes of two Palestinian men who carried out an attack with meat cleavers and a gun Tuesday in a Jerusalem synagogue. The attack left four rabbis dead including 3 Americans with joint Israeli citizenship. The assailants were killed by Police.

2. With terrorists beheading Americans, President Obama has ordered a review of how the United States responds when citizens are taken hostages overseas. The White House says the review was ordered over the summer. The review is not expected to include the long standing policy of not paying ransom, unlike many other governments. 
3. Late Wednesday, Senate Democrats defeated the bill to approve the keystone XL pipeline. The House passed the measure last week. Before the vote, republican leader has said they would take it up against them next year if the Senate failed to advance the measure.
4. And the 3-year-old giant panda is recovering after a surgery at a nature reserve in China. The panda named Pingping meaning peace and safety was reportedly attacked by a group of martens that left it with injuries to its stomach.