美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-11-29(在线收听

 1. One day after a grand jury decided not to indict police officer, Darren Wilson for the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown. Buildings in Ferguson in Missouri continue to smolder. Police made 61 arrests in Ferguson overnight, many for burglary and trespass. 

2. The University of Virginia held a special meeting to discuss recent allegations of sexual assault that have rocked the campus. The meeting comes after a Rolling Stone Magazine published a student’s account of a brutal gang rape. University President Teresa Sullivan called the allegations “Shocking”.
3. At least 17 people were killed when a 7-story building collapsed in Cairo earlier Tuesday. Rescue workers and volunteers dug through rubbles with their hands, searching for survivors. Officials say the owner illegally built several extra floors on top of the structure.
4. And these two Turkeys are going to have a happy Thanksgiving this year. The Toms from Ohio’s Cooper farms are selected as the two turkeys to receive the Presidential pardon. President Barack Obama will give the official pardon before the birds move to their new home in Virginia.