Sharon Stone谈《本能2》(在线收听

You look fabulous in this film, everyone's gonna say how did you prepare physically? Did you do like 10 hours of yoga a day?

I gotta say, you know, I'm really lazy. I'm the kind of girl that takes a bath instead of a shower, so I can lie down. And I wish I could say, you know, I was like really, really worked out.

You're killing us. You did nothing?

No, I worked out twice a week. I do this little work-out thing, (That's it! ) that I've done over a long period of time, I actually think I'm gonna make a tape because I have my own kind of things that I do , I do certain kind of sit-up and a certain kind of push. I did my own little thing that I do. But I'm not even remotely fanatical. I ate less because I wanted to be kinda skinny for her because I thought she was a little bit wild looking and I wanted her to be a little bit dangerous-looking. I thought, you know what, I'm not a girl. I'm a woman and I wanna look womanly. And you know, I have this philosophy about when you are naked with a guy. When you are in front of a guy in your nude, you're the only nude chick in the room, and they just go blank. They can't remember anybody else, it's just you. And they go " Oh, that's so fantastic ".

I never thought of it that way.

And so you might as well just relax because they are just so excited you are naked, that you are just great. (Right.) And so women should just relax.

In your case, all of America is just so darn happy you're naked, it's all good.

That was how I decided to think of it. Like, ok. They'll forget that there are super models and Playboy models and for those five seconds, I'll be the only nude girl in the room. I mean I'll be OK.


" I'm Henry Rose, Ms Trammel's solicitor. This is Catherine Trammel. I shall be present during the evaluation. "

" Oh, that's fine by me. I'll be asking Ms Trammel fairly personal questions if she doesn't mind your being present. "

" My client understands and she agrees I should be present for her."

" Maybe Doctor Glass is right, and we should be alone for this. "

" Catherine, I strongly advise you not to contemplate that.... "

" So, is this where we gonna do it. "


You really owned this movie, I mean, you really, from many standpoints, did you enjoy that? Was…I mean, you really took this on.

I just decided to have fun with it. And relax with it. And have a little sense of humor about it, and so-what-ishness about it.

There is something campy about it.

Yeah, it's a tone movie. Filmnoir is a classical style. Filmnoir was that period when they, you know, guys would say she was standing at the window and the lightening struck and she was one hot tomato. You know, it was, it's a period. And then and film it's like a filmnoir with a modern spin. But we know it's a certain style, that's why she is wearing high-heels at home and her apartment walls are black. I mean, so you, it is a little, it's over the top, it's two boxes of popcorn. It's glam more, it's not glam less.
