
   As of 2013, China's overseas investment has reached a record high of one hundred billion US dollars.

  However, the report reveals that the country's 18-thousand foreign enterprises in China that year represent a decrease of almost 11 percent compared to 2012.
  Some people worry China's investment environment is not as good as it was.
  But Song Qun, a former official from NDRC academic committee, says that with the "new normal", foreign investment to China will also enter a new normal stage.
  "The relative size of the manufacturing industry will gradually decline while the share of companies in the service sector will rise. This is the general trend for China's industrial transformation and upgrading. Foreign investment serves China's economic development. Some low end foreign manufacturing should be transferred to other places, due to cost increases in both market and labor. This is the same as when western countries shifted their manufacturing business here to China."
  Stimulated by the new normal, China's huge market potential will bring enormous business opportunities to foreign enterprises.
  Wei Jianguo is former vice minister of China's Ministry of Commerce.
  "Currently the biggest attraction here in China is the market potential. According to the estimation of the US Chamber of Commerce, a middle-class consumer market with a population of over 500-million will take shape in China by 2020. This will supply tremendous opportunities for foreign industries, such as machinery manufacturing, medical equipment, health care, and the pharmaceutical industry."
  According to the report, China's direct investment goes to 184 countries and regions worldwide, covering about 80 percent of the globe.
  At the same time, the merger-and-acquisition fields are becoming more and more diversified.
  However, challenges are increasing for the country's export-oriented enterprises.
  The rising cost of labour and the fluctuation of the RMB exchange rate have led to a reduction in long-term orders.
  Wei Jianguo suggests that both the government and national enterprises should join efforts to tackle the issue.
  "I am very sad to see that our companies only try to lower prices to keep them individually competitive, instead of solving problems with other companies in the same industry. Meanwhile, China should continue try to keep the title of 'world factory'. If not, millions in the workforce will be affected. So the government needs to support exports through effective policies."
  On Tuesday, China's top economic planner said it would increase efforts to manage effective investment this year, in a bid to help stabilize economic growth.
  The NDRC also vowed to streamline its approval procedures and improve supervision and transparency.
  For CRI, I'm Wang Wei.