经济学人:拳击立法 虽有风险各国还是逐渐放开职业拳击(在线收听

   Laws on boxing

  Bouncing back
  More countries are allowing professional boxing, despite the risks
  Cecilia Braekhus
  FIRST Sweden in 2007, then Cuba in 2013, and now Norway have left the small club of countries that ban professional boxing. The centre-right coalition in power since 2013 promised to cut taxes and red tape—and to let Norwegians indulge in pastimes its predecessors deemed too dangerous, including cheaper wine and spirits, jetskis and Segways. And last month 33 years without pro boxing came to an end, leaving Iceland with the Nordic region's sole boxing ban.
  经济学人 拳击立法 前自由搏击世界冠军Cecilia Braekhus 可可英语.jpg
  Health concerns lay behind the Norwegian ban. (Cuba had considered the violence—and prize money—incompatible with Marxism.) The World Medical Association has long called for the sport to be outlawed everywhere. But Norway's pugilists are delighted, as they can fight at home and earnings will rise.
  A champ unable to throw a punch in her own country probably did more than a new government's reforming zeal to end the ban. Cecilia Braekhus (pictured), a former champion kickboxer, turned to the sport in 2003. Undefeated in her 27 pro matches to date, in September she became the first Norwegian, and first woman, to hold all major world-title championships in her class (welterweight). In 2012 she was named Norway's sports personality of the year. A favourite of the country's sports pages and tabloid press, she freshened up boxing's battered image—and made it a symbol of the fightback against the Nordic nanny state.
  要开放职业拳击,一位冠军的作用可能比政府还大。Cecilia Braekhus(图中人物)是前自由搏击世界冠军,2003年开始参加这项运动。迄今为止,她在27场职业比赛中保持不败,获得了她所在级别(次中量级)的大满贯。她是首位获此殊荣的挪威人,也是首位获此殊荣的女性。2012年,她被选为挪威年度体育人物。作为这个国家体育网页和小报的最爱,她更新了拳击曾经不入流的形象,并使它成为一个信号:北欧并不只是保姆国家。