
   WASHINGTON, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama's pick for U.S. attorney general Loretta Lynch on Thursday passed a procedural vote in the Senate Committee on the Judiciary and was allowed to advance in the Senate for a full-floor confirmation voting later on.

  Thursday's vote was 12-8, with favors including three Republicans in the committee backing her nomination.
  Though Lynch's confirmation hearing began in late January, the voting was postponed by two weeks by the Republican-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee over Republicans' concerns about the nominee's public support for President Obama's contested 2014 executive actions for immigration.
  Obama pick for attorney general heads for full-floor confirmation vote in Senate
  Democrats have long demanded that the controversy over Obama's 2014 immigration policies should be stripped off Lynch's nomination battle, accusing Republicans of deliberately "slow- walking the vote".
  The partisan battles over Obama's executive actions on immigration have also affected a funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security, which is facing a partial shutdown should the Congress fails to pass a funding bill in less than two days.