美联社新闻一分钟 2005-08-18(在线收听

1: Israeli troops drag Jewish settlers out of their Gaza homes in a massive evacuation. In the West Bank a settler kills three Palestinians.

2: Three car bombs explode near a bus station and a hospital in Baghdad ,killing dozens in the deadliest attacks in Iraq's capital in weeks.

3: Several new variants of the Windows worm emerge to attack corporate computer networks, but experts see major damage is unlikely.

4: An Italian court approves moving a London-bombing suspect to Britain, also giving investigators in Rome over a month to finish their work.

5: And in the most detailed analysis yet, astronomers say a long bar of stars cuts on an angle through the center of the Milky Way galaxy .


1. worm
1 worm worms
A worm is a small animal with a long thin body, no bones and no legs.

2. galaxy
1 galaxy galaxies
2 galaxy
The Galaxy is the extremely large group of stars and planets to which the Earth and the Solar System belong.
The Galaxy consists of 100 billion stars.
N-PROPER: the N also Galaxy.
