澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-01-26(在线收听

 Leading the news this morning.Nick Kyrgois is through to the last eight of the Australian Open.The 19 years came from two sets down to beat Italian Andreas Seppi.Kyrgois will meet world's No. six Andy Murray in the quarter finals.

Rosie Batty has been named Australian of the Year for her work against family violence.Ms Betty had called for a publicly funding awareness campaign to help combat family violence.The Victorian dedicated the award to her son Luke who was murdered by his father in February last year.
My little baby, you did not time fade and will not be forgotten beside me on this journey and with me every step of the way.Rosie Batty speaking in Canberra yesterday afternoon.
And His Royal Highness prince Philip,Duke of Edingurgh and the former defense chief Angus Houston are today being named as the Australia's next Knights.Sir Angus Houston has been recognised for his investigative work on the disappearance of flight MH370 and MH17.And His Royal Highness prince Philip has been honored for his service and dedication to Australia.
The anti-austerity Syriza party is on track for victory in Greece's general election.two exit polls show the party with a 12.5 percent lead over his nearest rival.Syriza wants to renegotiate Greece's debt arrangement with international creditors.