美联社新闻一分钟 2005-10-07(在线收听

1. Defending his Iraq War policy, President Bush accuses Islamic radicals of seeking to "enslave whole nations and intimidate the world".

2. Insurgent attacks in Iraq aimed at wrecking next week's vote on the country's new constitution kill at least 21 people, including a US soldier.

3. Among the first winners announced for Afghanistan's National Assembly, a women's rights worker who denounced powerful warlords.

4. Firefighters battling a wildfire in Southern California, east of L.A. scramble to burn off heavy brush near homes before winds pick up again.

5. And trial begins in the decades old murder of an Italian financier whose close Vatican ties earned him a nickname of "God's banker".


1. enslave
2 enslave enslaves enslaving enslaved
To enslave a person or society means to trap them in a situation from which they cannot escape.
...the various cultures, cults and religions that have enslaved human beings for untold years...
It would be a tragedy if both sexes were enslaved, as men have always been, to the god of work.

2. wildfire
1 wildfire wildfires
A wildfire is a fire that starts, usually by itself, in a wild area such as a forest, and spreads rapidly, causing great damage.
...a wildfire in Montana that's already burned thousands of acres of rich grassland.

3. nickname
]1 nickname nicknames
A nickname is an informal name for someone or something.
Red got his nickname for his red hair.
