

sightseeing观光,domed拱形的, cave-in塌落


It’s Cheaper Here

While sightseeing in Kentucky, we stopped to take a tour of Mammouth Cave. Looking up at the huge, domed ceiling, I asked the guide, “Has there ever been a cave-in?” “Never,” he reassured us. “But if it did, look on the bright side. Where else could you get buried for $2.50?”





1.sightseeing观光。 Most of our time was spent in sightseeing.我们的大部分时间用在游览上。也可以作形容词,“观光的”:a sightseeing bus观光巴士。

2.tour旅游。 My tour lasted two months.我的旅行持续了两个月。 也可以作动词:They are touring in Spain.他们正在西班牙旅行。

3.ceiling天花板/顶盖/最高限度。a ceiling of stars满天星斗;a price ceiling价格最高限度;the job ceiling就业最高限额;break through all previous ceilings打破以往所有的最高水平。

4.cave-in塌落/倒闭/屈服。 The last firm he worked for caved in.他所服务的前一个公司倒闭了。The children begged their father to take them to the circus until he caved in.孩子们请求父亲带他们去看马戏团, 直到他让步为止。

5.look on把眼光投向/在一旁观看。 They stood looking on while the man was robbed.正当那个人被抢劫时, 他们却站在那儿袖手旁观。 They look on me as their own brother.他们把我当作自己的兄弟。

6.bright side 光明的一面;令人高兴的一面。
