美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-2-11(在线收听

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Dozens of Jordanian’s warplanes bombed Islamic State targets on Thursday including training centers and weapon sites. The airstrikes came as Jordan’s king Abdulla met with the family of apilot who was shown being burned to death in an IS video released earlier this week. Abdulla has promised to responsd harshly to the killing.
The leaders of France and Germany made a surprise appearance in Kiev to present a peace plan that end fighting in eastern Ukraine. The visit came amid a flare in deadly fighting and a separate meeting between Ukrainian president Poroshenko and US Secretary of State John Kerry.
NBC anchor Brian Williams gave an on-air apology Wednesday night for incorrectly claiming as recently as last week that his helicopter came under enemy fire while he was reporting in Iraqin 2003. Instead, he said, he was in another helicopter behind the one that was actually hit.
And this haircut has some younger customers moving on up. A barbershop owner in Snellville George says his12-year-old son’s grades improved after he gave him a special haircut aspunishment. A photo of the cut went viral after a man he said the boy looked alot like fictional sitcom character George Jefferson.
Maggie Mazzetti, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.