NPR 美国国家电台 2015-1-11(在线收听

 From NPR news in Washington, I'm Jack Speer.A dramatic conclusion to a muitified hostages crisis in and around Paris today. French authority's confirming the 2 brothers accused of shooting and killing 12 people the weekly Charlie Hebdo earlier this week died in a shootout with police in a warehouse north of the city. The vaccancy German suspected of killing a French police officer and held hostages to close market. Hostage ? similar round people moved in there. ? * has more.

It cost about a quarter passed 5 here darkness just begins to fall. When there are 4 loud bellings from the Jewish supermarket. Special fores have moved in on the gunman named as Amedy Coulibaly who's been holding hostages for more than 4 hours. It's unclear how many people were killed in the initial onslaught. The latest report speak of 4 dead at the end of the siege plus the gunman. French authority's investigating potential links between the gunmen in both hostage-takings. French president Francois Hollande called the attacks an act of exceptional barbarism. 
Prosecutors of the FBI and the justice department are recommending bringing felony charges against former CIA chief David Petraeus. Those charges are in connection to allegations of betrayals gave a female Army Reserve officer he was having a affair with access to his CIA email. NPR's * explains not yet clear charges would move forward though. 
The charges they say would stem them from his providing classified information to his former mistress while he was director of the CIA. That does mean that there actually going to bring charges. What that does is it basically leaves the ground work for attorney general Eric Holder to decide whether to seek an indictment. That could end up sending him to prison. 
NPR's * is in justice department being looking whether Petraeus's skipped the woman Paula Broadwell access to his classified email. Petraeus step down as the CIA's director in 2012. 
Ultra republicans are expected to taken any of president Obama's immigration policies next week including taking the vote over term 7's protections for immigrants brought to the US their children. Plan appears be emerging with suspect the men from the most conservative lawmakers and go well beyond the approach initially talked about by the GOP. 
Can be the best year for hiring in 15 years liberal department today announced the economy at 252,000 jobs in the final month of 2014. Separate survey show the unemployement rate fell 2 cents of percent to 5.6%. Governor also advise up previous month job numbers all know according to Carrie Johnson pretty good year. 
You look back to 2014, and ask yourself how did we do on the job side of the equation for the US economy. And the answer is we did extremly well, the best really since 1999. 
Job ? December's fairly broad base one worries some signs that wage growth for main ? none-existance. 
On Wall street, the Dow was down 170 points a day, the Nasdaq fell 32 points a day, S&P 500 close down 17 points. This is NPR.
Extreme winter weather with blowing snow and poor visibility's been blamed for a series of crashes on inter state 94 in southwest Michigan, left as many as 150 vehicles half the road and at least 1 person dead. ? police say some of those vehicles have apparently caught fire and included a ? truck of ? carring fireworks and other household material. 
House lawmakers today voted to approve the construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline. The Obama administration says the state department will continue its long-running review of the project. Now the Nebraska supreme court is OK, the pipeline's route. In * reports the White House is still oppose any congress efforts fast track the project. 
The federal government has been reviewing the propose pipeline for more than 6 years. And the latest delay was a court challenged in the Nebraska. And Nebaraka's supreme court has now denied that challenge and that put the ball back in the Obama administration's court. The Pipeline which will carry oil from the Canadian tar sands needs a permit from the administration to cross the international border. And president Obama says he will only grant that permit if he can concludes it won't worsen the problem of climate change. A White House spokesman says the administration is to determine to left that process play out despite legislation is on the short circled review and grant the permit immediately. * NPR news the White House.
Shaping up to be a especially bad flu season with the centre of disease prevention and control saying doctors perhaps should be more aggressive, describing anti-viral medications like Tamiflu for patients. The nation about halfway through the flu season CDC ? free the day said the flu is especially dangerious for the very young and elderly. I'm Jack Speer in NPR news.