美国有线新闻 CNN 2015-01-01(在线收听

If it sounds err i familiar, it's just because 10 months ago, as Martin was saying, another flight in the same area of the world MH 370 went missing. So, we decided to look at these 2 flights, these 2 airlines and see where the similarities and comparisons ended. Let's bring up a map and start now. MH 370 departed from Kuala Lumpur on its way to Beijing in early March and you see that just toward upper part of your screen there. AirAsia flight departed from Surabaya, Indonesia to Singapore right there at the bottom of your screen. Now, both disappeared from radar and made no further communication after that moment. These 2 airlines are slightly different with MH 370 having more room for passengers, 239 passengers versus 162 passengers and crew on AirAsia. Also, both of these flights, you bring up that map one more time, lost contact rarely soon after departing. Mh-370 lost contact about 1:19. QZA501 lost contact about 6:17 this morning and that's pretty much similarities and comparisons end there. So, you may be wondering that flight MH 370. Where it is?  Anyone spotted? Any debris? Any wreckage? We know in August that Australian government reached out to a Dutch company to help with the next phase of search. The so-called undersea search and we know that the Malaysian government is also playing a big role in this. Both earmarking a lot of money, Martin. 60 million dollars from each government to go for with this search. Now, they have an optimistic estimation that they would continue or finish. I should say the scouring of this priority zone in the Indian Ocean by May of next year 2015. But that was only if they didn't have any technical problem or hi. with the equipment that they were using that turn out not to be the case. They are having some problems. The delay have pushed back the search. Now, another plane of the same part of the world, Martin.
