乔布斯传 第25期:乔布斯和蓝盒子(1)(在线收听

   The Blue Box

  The ultimate combination of pranks and electronics—and the escapade that helped to create Apple—was launched one Sunday afternoon when Wozniak read an article in Esquire that his mother had left for him on the kitchen table.
  恶作剧与电子技术的终极结合----也是促成苹果公司成立的疯狂表演---在一个周日的下午启动了,当时沃兹尼亚克看到了母亲给他留在厨房桌子上的《君子》(Esquire) 杂志上的一篇文章。
  It was September 1971, and he was about to drive off the next day to Berkeley, his third college.
  The story, Ron Rosenbaum's "Secrets of the Little Blue Box," described how hackers and phone phreakers had found ways to make long-distance calls for free by replicating the tones that routed signals on the AT&T network.
  那篇文章——罗恩·罗森鲍姆(Ron Rosenbaum)写的《小蓝盒的秘密》——描绘了黑客和电话飞客是如何通过模拟AT&T (美国电话电报公司)网络上接通线路的特定音频免费拨打长途电话的。
  "Halfway through the article, I had to call my best friend, Steve Jobs, and read parts of this long article to him," Wozniak recalled.
  He knew that Jobs, then beginning his senior year, was one of the few people who would share his excitement.
  A hero of the piece was John Draper, a hacker known as Captain Crunch because he had discovered that the sound emitted by the toy whistle that came with the breakfast cereal was the same 2600 Hertz tone used by the phone network's call-routing switches.
  文中有一个关键人物:约翰·德雷珀(John Draper),他是一名黑客,外号“咔嚓船长” 这是因为,他发现早餐麦片附赠的哨子发出的声音与电话网络中用以传输呼叫的开关发出的音频是一样的,都是2600赫兹。
  It could fool the system into allowing a long-distance call to go through without extra charges.
  The article revealed that other tones that served to route calls could be found in an issue of the Bell System Technical Journal, which AT&T immediately began asking libraries to pull from their shelves.
  As soon as Jobs got the call from Wozniak that Sunday afternoon, he knew they would have to get their hands on the technical journal right away.
  "Woz picked me up a few minutes later, and we went to the library at SLAC (the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) to see if we could find it," Jobs recounted.
  It was Sunday and the library was closed, but they knew how to get in through a door that was rarely locked.
  "I remember that we were furiously digging through the stacks, and it was Woz who finally found the journal with all the frequencies.
  It was like, holy shit, and we opened it and there it was. We kept saying to ourselves, 'It's real. Holy shit, it's real.'
  那种感觉简直就是‘天哪! ’我们翻开它,所有信息都有。我们一直对自己说:‘这是真的,天哪!这是真的! ’
  It was all laid out—the tones, the frequencies."
  Wozniak went to Sunnyvale Electronics before it closed that evening and bought the parts to make an analog tone generator.
  Jobs had built a frequency counter when he was part of the HP Explorers Club, and they used it to calibrate the desired tones.
  With a dial, they could replicate and tape-record the sounds specified in the article. By midnight they were ready to test it.
  Unfortunately the oscillators they used were not quite stable enough to replicate the right chirps to fool the phone company.
  "We could see the instability using Steve's frequency counter," recalled Wozniak, "and we just couldn't make it work.
  I had to leave for Berkeley the next morning, so we decided I would work on building a digital version once I got there."