美联社新闻一分钟 2006-03-28(在线收听

1. After insisting that he wasn't supposed to play a role in 9/11, Zacarias Moussaoui is now contradicting himself with some surprising testimony. The al-Qaida conspirator testifying at his death penalty trial in Virginia now says he and shoe bomber Richard Reid were supposed to hijack a fifth plane that day and fly it into the White House.

2. From L.A. (Los Angeles) to Washington, thousands are continuing their immigration reform protests. At the same time, President Bush is renewing his call for a guest worker program, and the Senate is moving ahead on legislation.

3. Mary Winkler had her first day in court Monday in Tennessee. She was arraigned on a murder charge stemming from the shooting death of her minister husband last week.

4. Two drugs already in use to treat AIDS are showing promise in prevention. Tenofovir and FTC, because of the drugs' success in studies on monkeys, early human trials are being expanded globally.


1. hijack :verb [T]
to take control of an aircraft or other vehicle during a journey, especially using violence:
e.g. Two men hijacked a jet travelling to Paris and demanded $125 000.

2. arraign :verb [T] LEGAL
to formally accuse someone in a court of law of a particular crime and ask them to state whether they are guilty or not:
e.g. He was arraigned on charges of aiding and abetting terrorists.

3. stem from :phrasal verb
to originate or develop as the result of something:
e.g. Her problems stem from her difficult childhood.
