美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-3-14(在线收听

 1. Hillary Rodham Clinton is opening up for the first time about her email practice as Secretary of States. At a press conference, she considered she shouldn't use the government email accounts while at the state department. Yet she insisted she wasn't violating any rules or trying to hide her emails by using a personal account.

2. French persecutors have opened an investigation into a helicopter crash in Argentina. The victims included three prominent French sports figures who were contestants on a reality TV show when the crash occurred.
3. Two American tourists who left their mark on Rome's ancient Colosseum are facing criminal charges. Official says the women from California were also fined for their carving her names into stone and using a selfie stick at the famous ruining, which is banned.
4. A shortbread flavored milkshake has received the Vatican's blessing, with help from Philadelphia Catholic school children. the Vatican's Archbishop chose the winning flavor .The milkshake will help benefit two local events, including a visit by the Pope.
Padmananda Rama, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.