美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-3-16(在线收听

 1. Secretary of State John Kerry went head to head with Republicans who signed a letter to the Iranian leadership over the nuclear negotiations. Kerry says he was in utter disbelief when he heard about the letter. He told the senators the letter undermines the negotiations. 

2. Fog is lifting on the coast of southern Florida where an army helicopter disappeared last night. Human remains and pieces of wreckage have washed ashore. 7 marines and a crew of 4 army soldiers were on the chopper. All are presumed dead. 
3. In France, investigators are sifting through evidence following a jewel heist. Millions of euros worth of jewels disappeared. Police believe at least 15 armed assailants were involved. 
4. And in Indiana, an enterprising farmer may have saved the life of a newborn calf, discovered shivering in a snowbank. The third-generation farmer packed the bovine onto his ATV, went home and promptly put him in a hot tub for about an hour. 
Tom Ritchie, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.