VOA双语新闻:13、难民涌入 意大利和希腊压力大(在线收听) |
难民涌入 意大利和希腊压力大 Conflict and poverty in Africa and the Middle East and other parts of the world are creating waves of refuges, ready to risk their lives to escape misery. Europe has been flooded with migrants and this year the number is expected to top last year's 170,000. More than 10,000 people arrived on European shores in the past week. Italy and Greece are primary destinations for migrants who hope to move on from there. Those who survive the arduous trek to Europe have some horror stories to tell. 非洲、中东及世界其他地方的冲突与贫困引发难民潮。这些人冒着生命危险,背井离乡,很多人涌向欧洲,预计,这些流动人口在今年将超过去年的17万人。在过去一周,有超过一万人抵达欧洲海岸。他们的主要目的地是意大利和希腊,希望从那里开始新的生活。很多幸存者的经历让人惊心动魄。 Civil war in Syria has killed more than 200,000 people in the past four years, about half of them civilians. 叙利亚内战在过去四年造成20多万人丧生,其中近半数是平民。战火迫使一对25岁的双胞胎兄弟逃离他们在叙利亚北部的故乡阿勒颇。 "If we had stayed in the Middle East we would have died. You only die once in your life, we decided to risk dying trying to reach here," Mohammed, one of two 25-year-old twin brothers fleeing their native Aleppo, in northern Syria. 兄弟之一穆罕默德说:“如果留在中东的话,我们已经是死人了。命只有一条,我们决定以命相赌,到这里来。” The brothers arrived on the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa earlier this week, exhausted but alive. In the past week, 400 died during the voyage from hunger, thirst and exposure in overcrowded and poorly equipped vessels. 这对兄弟这个星期早些时候抵达意大利的一个小岛——兰佩杜萨岛。他们精疲力尽,但总算大难不死。在过去的一个星期里,有400人在横渡地中海时丧生。他们被装在过度拥挤和设施简陋的船只中,挨饿受冻又缺水。 But the price of the dangerous passage is not cheap. The Syrian brothers say they paid $3,000 to the smugglers. 但是这趟危险旅程的价格也不菲。这对叙利亚兄弟说,他们向偷渡贩支付了3000美元。 "They took so much money from us and they locked us in a room for a long time, feeding us a bit of cheese and bread once a day. It was torture. We were verbally abused and insulted. Every day a different person would come in. We couldn't keep track. New people came in with their weapons all the time," said Ilya, the second brother. 兄弟之一伊利亚说:“他们从我们这里要了那么多钱,但很长时间就只是把我们关在一间房间里,每天只给我们一次很少的奶酪和面包。简直是折磨。我们遭受辱骂。每天来的人都不一样。我们什么没法记住谁是谁。来的人随时都带着武器。” Italian police this week arrested two Gambian smugglers spotted in the sea, ferrying passengers from Libya for an alleged price of $600 per person. 意大利警方近日在海上逮捕了两名刚比亚籍人口走私贩。他们从利比亚用船运送偷渡客,据称要价每人600美元。 At least 12 Muslim migrants were arrested on arrival in Sicily after passengers accused them of throwing into the sea Christian migrants. 至少有12名穆斯林船民在到达西西里岛后被逮捕,与他们同船的人控告他们把基督徒船民扔到海里。 Despite the price and the danger, the number of migrants is growing yearly. Thousands that have arrived in Italy since last Friday have brought the Italian immigration system to collapse. 尽管费用不菲又危险重重,离家出走的人数每年还是不断增长。4月10日以来,抵达意大利的成千上万人导致意大利的移民系统陷于瘫痪。 "Between the 10,000 people who came in Italy in the last weekend, there is about 319 single underages (migrants) who arrived in Italy here. There is not enough structure to give them assistance and they (the authorities) are looking to improve the conditions in Italy to give them enough assistance to make their permanence in Italy enough good for the moment," said Ahmed Echi, a volunteer at the Papa Francesco Migrants Center. 教宗方济各流动人口中心的义工艾哈迈德·伊奇说:“在上周末到达意大利的一万人中,有大约319名没有大人陪伴的未成年人。在如何帮助他们方面,相关的安排还不足。当局希望改善条件,给他们足够的帮助,让他们现在能好好地留在意大利。” Greece is also the target of migrants from the Middle East and Africa. The country's new left-wing government is releasing migrants from the crude detention centers and allowing them to move freely around the country. The move is raising concern among many Greeks. 希腊也是中东和非洲难民的目标国家。希腊新的左翼政府释放了关在拘留中心的偷渡者,并允许他们自由移动。这一举措令许多希腊人感到担忧。 "Where are all these people going to stay? Where will all these people go? Where will they find a place to rest? Where will they find a job? With all the internal problems that we have, we can't solve our own problems,” said Babis Karagianidis, an Athens resident. 雅典居民巴比斯·卡拉吉安尼迪斯说:“所有这些人要呆在哪里?他们要去哪里?去哪里找落脚的地方?去哪里找工作?我们连自己的问题都还解决不了。” European Union officials say the numbers will likely grow during the coming months when the weather gets warmer.
欧盟官员说,随着未来几个月天气变暖,离乡出海的人数可能还会上升。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/voabn/2015/04/304912.html |