

The ceremonial pageantry of Tuesday's presidential speech before a joint session of Congress comes against a backdrop of ramped-up security on both sides of the Atlantic.


In recent days, there have been a shoot-out in Belgium,police raids in Germany, arrests in Greece, and stepped-up security across Europe all following the attack on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

最近这段日子比利时发生枪战,德国警方进行突袭, 希腊实施逮捕,继查理周刊讽刺杂志遭遇恐怖袭击后全欧洲都加强了安全措施。

Security efforts must adapt to an evolving threat,according to Rob Wainwright, who heads the European Union law enforcement agency Europol.


“We are seeing a very determined response by our national governments, national police authorities, and at institutions like Europol urgently reviewing ways that we can better support counter-terrorist services everywhere, and the better exchange of intelligence for example,in the tracking of terrorist financing, and illicit firearms, and in particular monitoring terrorist activities online."


For Obama, who hopes to work with a new Republican-controlled Congress on an agenda that includes domestic priorities, the fast-paced international developments are forcing greater attention to security matters at home and abroad.


“This phenomenon of violent extremism, the ideology, the networks, the capacity to recruit young people, has metastasized and it is widespread, and it has penetrated communities around the world."


"This is a problem that causes great heartache and tragedy and destruction, but it is one that ultimately we are going to defeat."



With terrorist sleeper cells believed to exist in numerous countries and the possibility of the Charlie Hebdo incident rallying extremists across the globe, the Obama administration and other governments are asking not whether another attack will be attempted, but when and where.

