美联社新闻一分钟 2006-08-09(在线收听

1. While Senator Joe Lieberman spends this primary day campaigning in Connecticut, his campaign is accusing a rival Democrat of hacking Lieberman's campaign Web site. The site crashed Tuesday. Lieberman is locked in a tight battle with millionaire businessman Ned Lamont.

2. Across southern Lebanon, Israeli forces and Hezbollah militants are waging fierce ground battles for control of key villages and ridges near the Israeli border. Hezbollah is using the sites to fire rockets into Israel. The Israeli military says both sides are taking casualties.

3. Crude oil prices closed lower Tuesday on hopes that BP may not have to completely shut down its Alaska Prudhoe Bay oil field for repairs after all. Futures prices fell 67 cents, closing at 76 dollars 31 cents a barrel.

4. An Arizona construction worker pinned under tons of concrete for more than seven hours has been rescued. He was helping to demolish an underground garage when part of the roof collapsed. Fire officials say he was conscious and talking during the ordeal.


1. primary : n-count
A primary or a primary election is an election in an American state in which people vote for someone to become a candidate for a political office.

2. hack : verb
If someone hacks into a computer system, they break into the system, especially in order to get secret information.

3. locked : adj
If you say that people are locked in conflict or in battle, you mean they are arguing or fighting in a fierce or determined way, and neither side seems likely to stop.

4. ridge : n-count
a narrow area of high land along the top of a line of hills; a high pointed area near the top of a mountain
e.g. We stood on the windswept ridge and looked down at the valley below.

5. pin : verb
If someone pins you to something, they press you against a surface so that you cannot move.

6. ordeal : n-count
If you describe an experience or situation as an ordeal, you think it is difficult and unpleasant.
