

  了解段落展开方式(paragraph development)对于把握与段落主题有关的修辞目的的托福阅读试题题和文章摘要题非常有效。例如,修辞目的题有时问段落的写作目的,有时问段落的结构,都等于从写作手法,即段落展开方式上问段落主题。
  例 (总-分结构)
  Paragraph 7: About 90 percent of modern humans are right-handed: we are the only mammal with a preferential use of one hand. The part of the brain responsible for fine control and movement is located in the left cerebral hemisphere, and the findings above suggest that the human brain was already asymmetrical in its structure and function not long after 2 million years ago. Among Neanderthalers of 70,000–35,000 years ago, Marcellin Boule noted that the La Chapelle-aux-Saints individual had a left hemisphere slightly bigger than the right, and the same was found for brains of specimens from Neanderthal, Gibraltar, and La Quina.
  What is the author's primary purpose in paragraph 7?
  (A) To illustrate the importance of studying the brain
  (B) To demonstrate that human beings are the only mammal to desire fine control of movement
  (C) To contrast the functions of the two hemispheres of the brain
  (D) To demonstrate that right-hand preference has existed for a long time