美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-4-7(在线收听

 This is AP News Minute

The governor of Arkansas iscalling for changes to a religious objection measure that has faced backlashfrom businesses and gay rights activists. One day after his office said he had plannedto sign it into law. The move comes after Indiana governor Mike Pence signed a similarmeasure last week, prompting a national outcry.
Iraqi soldiers are declaringvictory over the Islamic State group in Tikrit. A top Iraqi official sayssecurity forces had accomplished their mission in a month-long offensive, amajor step to rout them from key strongholds.
The search is on in easternIllinois for a convicted murderer who escaped from prison after overpowering aguard and taking his keys, uniform and car. Police say Kamron T. Taylor isconsidered armed and dangerous and are offering a reward for informationleading to his capture.
And the world’s oldest person hasdied nearly a month after celebrating her 117th birthday. Misao Okawa, who wasborn in Osaka on March 15th 1898, died of heart failure earlyWednesday.
Maggie Mazzetti, the AssociatedPress with AP News Minute.