美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-4-18(在线收听

 1. The White House signaled Tuesday that President Obama would sign a proposed compromise on the deal to curb Iran's nuclear program. Cabinet members visited Capitol Hill to sell lawmakers on the details of the final deal. 

2. Police say they are investigating the fatal shooting of North Carolina community college worker as a possible hate crime. 20-year-old Kenneth Morgan Stancil was arrested after entering a campus print shop, firing a shotgun and killing his former supervisor. 
3. 9 former Atlanta public school teachers will be serving jail time after a widespread cheating scandal. Fulton County district attorney says he hopes the sentences will show other jurisdictions how cheating on test is harmful. 
4. And a camera-shy chimp in Netherlands view got up close and * with the drone. The skillful chimp used a stick to send the drone tumbling to the ground, and managed to get a see close-up on camera. 