Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit8:Trends in Economics(4)(在线收听

   Part 4. Short talks on listening skills.

  Listen to the short talk entitled "Thinking ahead of the speaker ——anticipation helps".
  Some important words are taken away from the written passage, supply the missing words.
  Thinking ahead of the speaker ——anticipation helps.
  Listening is an extremely complex communicative activity.
  In his book "Principals and implications of cognitive phycology", Neisser defines listening as a "temporarily extended activity" in which the listener continuously develops more or less specific readiness for what will come next.
  In other words, an effective listener is constantly setting up hypothesis in his mind, and also he is constantly testing his hypothesis by matching it with what he has heard in reality.
  If he hears what he has expected, he receives the information, but if what he hears is totally out of his expectation, he fails to get the message.
  The skill to anticipate what is coming in listening comprehension depends largely on the listener's familiarity with the theme of the message.
  It also depends on the listener's knowledge of the speaker as well as the setting.
  Obviously, when we listen to something that we already have some information about, it is generally a lot easier for us take in the new information.
  Therefore, pre-listening preparation seems to have a big role to play in enhancing listening comprehension.
  Before actual listening, we could perhaps first give some thought to the topic, discuss it with others, read some related materials and do some vocabulary work.
  If we could make ourselves fully oriented for the forthcoming talks or lectures, we are more likely to become effective listeners.
  Of course, readiness beforehand is not at all enough, active thinking must take place all the way through.
  In fact, we should always try to think ahead of the speaker.
  The ability to anticipate helps us in logical and intelligent guesswork.
  It does not only enable us to know generally what a person is going to talk about in a certain situation, but also interestingly enough.
  Sometimes even exactly what a person's next utterance is going to be in a discussion.