美联社新闻一分钟 2006-11-07(在线收听

1. Saddam Hussein's supporters took to the streets of Iraq today showing their dedication to the man who's been sentenced to death. He is still popular among some Sunnis who've made up the ruling class under his regime.

2. President Bush was in Pensacola, Florida to stump for a gubernatorial candidate today, but Charlie Crist was a no-show up instead to campaign elsewhere in the state.

3. A devastating fire hit Florida's vulnerable Gatorland theme park. The predawn blaze charred a gift shop and the compound's main entrance, a giant concrete alligator mouth.

4. And Angelina Jolie took a break from filming a movie in India to meet with local officials. The topic of conversation: the plight of refugees in New Delhi.


1. predawn: adj. occurring before sunrise 黎明前的

2.char:v. scorch, singe, burn; be scorched; do cleaning work

3.alligator:n. 短吻鳄

4.plight: n. misfortune, trouble; complication, entanglement 境况; 困境, 誓约
