朗文3L看听学英语第三册 Lesson 01(在线收听

Revison Lesson 1 Not a very good morning
Mother: Breakfast’s ready, children!
Sandy(sadly): All right, mum.
We’re coming.
Mother and Father: Good morning, Sandy.
Good morning, Sue.
Children(sadly): Good morning, mum.
Good morning, dad.
Father(copying them): Good morning, mum.
Good morning, dad.
You don’t sound very happy
and you don’t look very happy!
Father: How do you feel, Sandy?
Are you all right?
Sandy(sadly): Yes, dad.
Father: What’s the matter
with you, Sue?
Have you got a headache?
Sue(sadly): No, dad.
Father: Then what’s up with you both
this morning?
Sandy: The holidays are over
and school begins today!

