囧研究 你喝的每一杯水都是恐龙尿(在线收听

   The next time you reach for a glass of water, remember this; you could be about to sip on dinosaur pee.

  This is according to science YouTube channel, Curious Minds, which explains that the amount of water on the Earth has remained roughly the same for millions of years.
  这一观点来自Youtube科学频道《奇思妙想》(Curious Minds)。节目中解释道,地球上的水量数百万年来都没怎么变过。
  Around 121,000 cubic miles of water falls on the Earth in the form of precipitation every year, meaning this water has moved around the planet.
  The Mesozoic era, the reign of the dinosaurs, lasted around 186 million years.
  'That gave them time to drink a lot of water,' the video explains.
  By contrast, humans have only been living on Earth for 200,000 years.
  Charles Fishman says in in his book, 'The Big Thirst' that the molecules that make up water are so resilient, they could be millions of years old.
  A member of Curious Minds added: 'Most of the water molecules have never been drunk by another human, but almost every single one has been drunk by a dinosaur.'
  'This means that in every glass of water you drink, there is a lot of water which has already passed through a dinosaur and come out the other end.'
  The book 'The Future of Water: A Startling Look Ahead,' by Steve Maxwell and Scott Yates comes to a similar conclusion.
  'The water that dinosaurs drank is the same water we drink today, and the amount of water in the world is the same, too,' the authors write.
  'Fossil fuels get burned and are gone forever. Water remains.'