澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-04-17(在线收听

 And leading the news this morning, the parents missing toddler William Tyrell have issued a fresh public appeal to find their son. The 3-year-old vanished from his grandmother’s home on the New South Wales mid-north coast seven months ago. Police believe he was abducted and hold grave fears with his safety. William’s mother says the family is desperate to have him back.

“We need to know where he is and we need to know what happened to him because we can’t leave him forever like this. His sister can’t grow up even knowing what happened to her brother.”
The ongoing stash over the GST is likely to come to a head at today’s Council of Australian Government’s Meeting in Canberra. Western Australia is pushing for a big share of GST which has been resisted by other states and territories. A row stretching like shadow of other issues, such as domestic violence and hospital funding.
Italy has asked the European Union for more help to deal with growing asylum seeker crisis. More than 40 people have drowned after another boat carrying asylum seekers from Libya sank off the Italian coast. Almost 10,000 people have been rescued and hundreds more have drowned while trying to cross the Mediterranean in recent days.
The search area for missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 will be doubled if nothing is found in the current search zone by the end of the month. The plane with 239 people disappeared more than a year ago.