澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-04-21(在线收听

 British police have arrested a fourteen-year-old boy in connection with Melbourne's Anzac Day terror plot. That alerted Australian authorities to the link after uncovering communications between the boy and the man in Melbourne. 

Back home. Police will ask the spring court today to extend a preventative detention order on one of the men arrested in the weekend raids. And senior government ministers called on Muslim leaders to do more to stop young people being radicalist. 
Government and the community can help you, but you've got the problem. It's principly your problem. You've got to share the leadership. We've got to do whatever we can to help you. 
Two people are missing in New Castle as well weather causes widespread  damage in black house across parts of New South Wales. Fire and Rescue authorities say they appeared, disappeared at Strout near Maitland overnight. Emergency services responded to more than 2000 calls for help, and some train services in the central and south coasts have been cancelled. 
We've seen a lot of flush flooding events. I'm already we've done ten flood rescues. Hum, the point this morning is for communities, please do not attempt to walk a road or drive through floodwater. 
And the European Union has come up with serious measures to try to deal with the migrant boat crisis in the Mediterranean. The Ten Point Planning includes destroying people smuggler' boats and sending migrants home. Around seven hundred people are thought to have drawned when their apacked fishing boats sank at the weekend. 