澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-04-23(在线收听

 A dozen natural disaster zone have been declared in New South Wales as the destructive weather begins to ease. Almost two thousand homes and businesses are still without power. More than one hundred and thirty people have been rescued from flashflooding. Last night police had discovered the body of an elderly woman whose car was swept away by the flood waters.  

Hum, we now have a very large worldful scan at the field today. We are volunteers, hum, this is volunteers that is from New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, ICT, where firefighters from the rural forces volunteers, fire rescue firefighters, all are getting into those areas that have been devastated. 
Steve P. from the SES. 
Australia and Turkey have agreed to boost cooperation to stop the flow of Australians travelling to Syria and Iraq to fight for the Islamic State. The deal was reached in talks between prime minister Tony Abbott and his Turkish counterpart in the capital Ankara. 
And foreign minister Julie Bishop appears to be at odds with the prime minister as how Europe should address asylum seeker death at sea. Tony Abbott says Europ should urgently adopt stronger board protection policies. But speaking in Berlin. Ms. Bishop says it's up to the region's governments to make their own decisions about what policies to adopt. 
Queen Elizabeth has presented her husband with an insignia of his Australian knighthood. The citation recognizes the 93-year-old duke of Edinburgh's long service to the British Monarchy and the Commonwealth. 