朗文3L看听学英语第四册 Lesson 15(在线收听

  15 Gretel writes a letter home
  Dear Mummy and Daddy,
  I'm sending you the photos you asked for. First you'll find a photo of the house I'm staying at. It's a very typical English house. You don't see many blocks of flats in England. The English prefer houses to flats. Sometimes you see rows and rows of houses and they're all exactly the same!
  I enclose some pictures of the family I'm staying with. You can see Sandy and Sue (the children I told you about in my last letter) and Mr and Mrs Clark. They have all become very good friends of mine.
  There are som pictures of the garden too. Every English house has a small garden. The English people work very hard in their gardens. Mr Clark has a lovely lawn and lots of rose-bushes and he grows all his own vegetables. Everytheing is so green in England. Mr Clark rarely has to water the garden because it rains so often here! When it rains my English friends say,"Nice weather for the ducks!"
  I'll write to you again soon.
