英语口语流行话题 第10期:驴友闯天下05-2(在线收听

   A: Good morning. Can I help you?

  A: 早上好。有什么事可以为你效劳吗?
  B: Good morning. I'd like to reserve a double room with a bath for next Friday.
  B: 早上好。我想为下周五预定一套带浴室的双人间。
  A: I'm sorry, there is no such kind of room available for that day.
  A: 对不起,那天没有这种类型的空房间。
  B: Are you sure?
  B: 你确定吗?
  A: Yes. You know, the National Day is approaching. A lot of people are ready to travel here. So, what about single rooms? They are on the sunny side.
  A: 是的,您也知道,国庆节临近了,许多人都准备来此旅游的。那么,您觉得单人间怎么样呢?它们都设在阳面。
  B: OK.
  B: 好吧。
  A: I'm sure you will enjoy the room.
  A: 您肯定会喜欢的。
  B: What's your room rate per night?
  B: 那你们一晚的住宿费是多少?
  A: 200 yuan for one room.
  A: 每个房间200 元。
  B: Fine, I need to book two rooms.
  A: May I have your name and phone number?
  A: 可以告诉我您的名字和电话号码吗?
  B: I'm John, and my cell phone number is 13812346789.
  B: 我叫约翰,我的手机号码是13812346789 。