英语口语流行话题 第26期:帕帕拉奇 13-2(在线收听

   A: Who is your favorite movie star?

  A: 你最喜欢哪个电影明星?
  B: Angelina Jolie.
  B: 安吉丽娜·朱丽。
  A: She is a great actress.
  A: 她的确是个很棒的女演员。
  B: Ha-ha, beautiful and sexy.
  B: 哈哈,美丽又性感。
  A: Have you heard that she just had twins with Brad Pitt?
  A: 你听说她刚刚和彼特生了一对双胞胎的事没?
  B: Of course. It said that their twin babies' photos had started a bidding war between People and OK!. And the final bid is 15 million dollars.
  B: 当然。据说他们双胞胎宝宝的照片在《People》和《OK!》两本杂志间还引发了一场竞价大战呢。最后的胜出价是1500万美元。
  A: Wow, these photos really cost a lot!
  A: 哇,这些照片真是够贵的!
  B: Yes, but for a magazine, they are worth it. I heard the proceeds from their babies' photos would go to charity.
  B: 是啊,不过对于杂志社来说,这些钱花得还是很值的。我听说他们宝宝的照片的所有收益都会捐献给慈善机构。
  A: A perfect couple!
  A: 真是完美的一对啊!
  B: You are right And they are also good parents.
  B: 说的没错。同时,他们还是一对相当尽职的父母呢。
  A: How lucky their children are!
  A: 他们的孩子可真幸运啊!